Abstract de “Should I move aside and let a professional CEO run my company?”
La Dra. Margarita Hurtado-Hernández, el Dr. Héctor Debernardo y el Dr. Alejandro Ordóñez-Torres fueron coautores de “Should I move aside and let a professional CEO run my company?”, capítulo 9 del libro “Strategy, power and CSR”, que salió a la venta el pasado viernes 24 de julio 2020.
He aquí el abstract de esta obra:
«This chapter addresses the stage at which entrepreneurs figure out that they have reached their level of incompetence (Peter & Hull, 1969) and how they might overcome it. Recommendations are made to aid entrepreneurs realize when this key moment has arrived, as well as to lay out an action plan to help them either become a professional Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or move aside and let a professional CEO run their company. Based on a state of the art review, this chapter identifies the most valued personality traits and skills, as well as leadership styles, for both entrepreneurs and professional CEOs. Those attributes are summarized as ideal job descriptions to help CEOs detect gaps between their current personality profile and the one that best meets company needs at each stage of the business’ lifecycle.»
El equipo de Puente Empresarial.